Intro Digitale Visuelle Studien

Master Landschaftsarchitektur SoSe 18 Betreuung Professor Jürgen Weidinger, Joshua Brook-Lawson

Digitale Visuelle Studien
Digitale Visuelle Studien block seminar focuses on curve modeling using three different modeling surface types: Non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS), polygons and subdivision. This block seminar aims to deepen 3D modelling understanding using a software developed by Robert McNeel & Associates known as Rhinoceros or which is more commonly referred to as ‘Rhino’. The modeling exercises are carried out using a 3D model design by LAAC Architekten of the Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz (also known as Landhausplatz). This provided a strong base for evaluative and explorative 3D modelling.

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