ENTWURF  Gestaltung und Darstellung für Landschaftsarchitektur Digital. 

Bachelor Landschaftsarchitektur SoSe 19, Betreuung Professor Jürgen Weidinger, Joshua Brook-Lawson

Gestaltung und Darstellung für Landschaftsarchitektur
Digital - Ba - SoSe 2019

It is often challenging to new Computer Aided Design (CAD) users to engage with post production software in a fluid and creative manner. This seminar aims to bridge the gap between analogue and digital representation techniques through the practical application of CAD and post production design tools. This seminar is structured through step by step tutorials in a computer pool environment. The Teufelsberg provided a challenging site with many interesting landscape characteristics. The tools practiced included; Vectorworks, Rhino 6, Blender and Adobe Illustrator.

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