Research Assistants

Norman Harzer is a research assistant. He teaches graduate and undergraduate core design studios as well as supervises final theses. Norman’s research interest focuses on the aesthetic of eco strategies and concept narration in the field of landscape architecture. Besides his engagement at the TU Berlin he works at his own landscape architecture office GRIEGER HARZER Landschaftsarchitekten based in Berlin.       

+ 49 30 314 28199, Room 429 a


Jennifer Münner  is a research assistant. She teaches Master's and Bachelor’s degree courses in design and supervises final theses. Her personal focus is to consider landscape architectural design in an interdisciplinary context. In addition, her research interests include theories of aesthetics related to narratives of oddities in landscape architecture. Before starting at TU Berlin in 2022, she gained work experience at bbzl böhm benfer zahiri landschaften städtebau.

+ 49 30 314 28199, Room 429 a



Sophia Hartwig is a research assistant, teaching graduate and undergraduate core design studios and supervising final theses. She has a longtime work experience in the development of design-oriented concepts for large-scale projects, as well as in the implementation of projects of various sizes. She is approaching her dissertation on the subject "Shadow - the influence of climate change adaption strategies on the design of urban open spaces". Sophia lives in Stuttgart and runs her office: Sophia Hartwig Landschaftsarchitektur.

+ 49 30 314 28199, Room 429 a




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