Student Assistants
Moritz Wette studied landscape architecture and architecture in Berlin, Lisbon, and Barcelona. Inspired by the Mediterranean lifestyle on the one hand and minimalistic Scandinavian design on the other, Moritz became very passionate about designing lively urban spaces. He approaches a holistic design, connecting various disciplines and theories into strong but playful public spaces. Before starting his Master’s degree at the TU, he gained work experience at Atelier Loidl.
+ 49 30 314 28197, Room 429 b
Sarah Hager-Medack is working as a student assistant since April 2023 while pursuing her Bachelor's degree. She has a keen interest in LA conceptual design and pursues a strong skillset to convey captivating concepts through compelling visual representation
+ 49 30 314 28197, Room 429 b
Sarah Lemnitz is working as a student assistant since February 2025. Before she gained work experience at Planorama as part of their competition team. She is currently finishing her Bachelor degree in landscape architecture.
+ 49 30 314 28197, Room 429 b